Holographic Flow

Ethan J. Henson

Healing the Multidimensional Separation
from Divine Union

magnetize the life you long for

Having tasted higher levels of consciousness on a personal level, you may be wondering how to stabilize this new access to “energy richness” in your relationships and all other areas of your life. 

What if you could consciously create connections with others in a way that stabilizes your access to higher consciousness and allows the natural energy-rich flow state to be your baseline state of being?  

Holographic Flow offers a fractal approach that stabilizes self-transformation by inhabiting an awakened view of relationships in which couples and individuals can be liberated from unstable access to higher states of consciousness by achieving the highest level of connection. This high level of connection is powerfully magnetic and draws to it all the life force energy that supports the fulfillment of your life and purpose.

relationship as a path of spiritual awakening

When the paradigm of relating with your partner shifts: there is a profound understanding of the true purpose of relationships as re-connecting with the eternal, Divine aspect of your partner.

Holographic Flow invites you to unlock the full potential of the Life Force Energy by working with the universal principle of Masculine / Feminine Polarity. By skillfully coming into conscious governorship of them you can generate an atomic field of energy richness that fuels the expansion of consciousness. It is this energy richness that illuminates the life purpose and opens the experience of relationship to a path of Spiritual Awakening. 

"Ethan is a master of space."

created by
ethan J. Henson

This body of teachings is based on over 20 years of study and research into all levels of human relationship combining Attachment Theory, Parts Work, Polyvagal Theory, Reichian Characterology, Human Energy Field Relating, Masculine/Feminine Dynamics, Spiritual Awakening Practice, and Tantric Union.

Areas of Development:

  • Clairvoyance to see the Human Energy Field (18 yr. training by Rev. Lemuria Torling)
  • Infinite Way Non-Dual Healing (originally taught by Joel S. Goldsmith)
  • Advanced Taoist Sexual Nei Gong 
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Core Energetic/Bio-Energetic Training

who is this work for?

Holographic Flow is for spiritual practioners, healers, teachers, and leaders who want to open the deeper purpose of relationship that Awakens the Soul gifts of empowerment, passion and intimacy – within yourself and your partner. If you also have a strong desire to bridge your spiritual awakening path with your intimate relationship experience. 

for couples

Do you find yourself repeating the same old tired arguments, or get stuck in unsatisfying – even destructive – relational patterns? Has the feeling of connection, aliveness and erotic charge diminished over time? Ethan’s work can help you map the dynamics of your relationship, understand what’s really happening under the surface, and open each other to greater levels of awareness and love.

for individuals

If you crave a partnership that supports you in your deepest essence, this work can help you clear out the fear based narratives, increase your core magnetism, and attract a truly fulfilling intimate relationship. Explore the facets of your internalized polarities and how they’ve manifested in your external relationships. Discover the real purpose that’s been unfolding through all of your relationship experience and align yourself consciously to it. 

“Ethan's work reminds me that
the nature of life is bliss!"

walk the path

Holographic Flow illuminates the core masculine and feminine relationship dynamics that block individuals from experiencing stable and awakened relationships. The methodology is taught in three phases that build on each other. As you progress, you will build  powerful awareness and energetic skills that allow you access expanded states of conscious connection with your partner and to all of your life.

Level 1: Projection Dynamics

Level 1 teaches the ability to recognize when you are operating from the (Ordinary Mind), a “Parts Based” unconscious control of Masculine/Feminine relating. Learn how to cultivate meta-cognitive awareness to skillfully navigate out of  “Parts Based” relating that when left undone can reinforce childhood woundings and the holographic  “story of separation” between you and your partner.

Level 2: Conscious Energetics

Level 2 teaches (Subtle Mind) relating and how to relate through the Human Energy Field and “energetically attune” to your partners individual system.  Learn how co-regulate and heal the trauma entrained nervous system patterns of reactivity. Learn how to consciously “approach” and “touch” through transmitting powerful neural-energetic signals of safety and invite your partner into a whole new levels of openness.

Level 3: Tantric Union

Level 3 teaches the  (Simultaneous Mind) experience of relating and how to merge the  inner relationship and your outer intimate partnership to flow together and experience the divine union. You will learn how to bridge powerful Awareness/Energy skills with sexual practice to open the central channel and the chakra system to experience full body multi-dimensional orgasmic bliss. 

what to expect

This work is not for the faint of heart. It takes relentless courage and a calling from the soul to walk the path of union. You will be challenged to face your core wounds and your fiercest desires. But the rewards are great.
Work with the teachings and practices of Holographic Flow to:
  • Stop looping in patterns of childhood wounding that no longer serve your relationship 
  • Release the inner control mechanisms that block the flow of the energy between you and your partner
  • Harness the power of your relationship to awaken and fulfill your true life purpose
  • Magnetize relationships that support your healing process and spiritual awakening
  • Master the full range of fearless emotional expression between each other
  • Stabilize higher levels of consciousness to experience bliss and ecstasy in your connection
  • Directly experience soul-level access to each other to generate energy richness 

Ready to Transform Your Relationship?

Do you want to turn your relationship into a path of spiritual awakening? Do you realize that your relationship is a path of spiritual awakening?

Book an Exploratory Call to get an experience of the work. Or explore a variety of programs in the form of events, workshops, courses, intensives, retreats, and private coaching for couples and individuals.

"...I am forever grateful."

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